许 江
Oriental Bamboo World
You cannot find a Chinese who does not know about and adore bamboo. Actually most of Asians are so.
China, centralized by other continental margin plates with bamboo production including South Asia and East Asia, is the central inhabitant area of bamboo. It has been ages since this perennial lignified plant entered people’s lives in these areas. People are attracted by bamboo out of its flourishing appearance, erect, delicate and green as lakes. More so, it derives personalities, which seems to be an extended refined vision that demonstrates Chinese people’s unique outlook on grass and tree. An ancient prose says that as delicate, a slender bamboo is neither a grass nor a tree, with neither flowers nor branches. Bamboo has always long been personalized from people’s perspective, thus to be respectfully titled as “Zi”(a noble man of virtue), just as that of many famous sages and gentlemen. Jiang You, an ancient poet living in Jin Dynasty, wrote in his prose that, a well-grown bamboo has a posture shaped by nature, a hollow body symbolizing Taoism, and a cylinder aspect containing the world. The image of bamboo has been valued as the artistic conception of Taoism in both Chinese culture and oriental classical civilization.
Su Shi, a poet living in earlier Song dynasty, also a master of both painting and writing bamboo, wrote a book named Zhilin (a prose and essay collection on what he had seen and heard during his relegation), referring to many objects besides regular natural landscapes. About bamboo, he wrote that, “eating bamboo shoots, living under bamboo tiles, travelling on bamboo rafts, cooking over bamboo sticks, wearing bamboo cloaks and shoes, and writing on bamboo paper.” In today’s wording, he describes a bamboo expo, which meets practically every basic need in daily life. Another poet wrote in his poem that, there is a family living above the river; they use green bamboos for screen, table and bed; always it smells like original bamboo flavor; this house is better than one with dazzling yellow red. In these literature works, bamboo paper is used by the mass, bamboo containers entail fine farming craft, and bamboo house is the embodiment of plain while vivid pastoral life across Asia.
Plato named his academic study as Aesthetics, which explores, in western culture, an artistic philosophy where the description of a realistic phenomenon is tend to be veritably presented through intuitional observations, thus to reach an essentializing and desirable state. In the past, an intuitional observation based on analysis and verification is always superior to other cognitive abilities in learning and distinguishing the world. However, since the world is highly informationized today, this pattern has gone forever.
What oriental aesthetics focuses more now is discovering, by clueing institution, the hidden meaning behind the realistic images. Therefore, it leaves traces filled with plain while profound poem segments, or invisible while inclusive brushworks. Bamboo, soaking in oriental aesthetics, in whole creates a massive spiritual world from individual’s inhabitancy preference to sage’s philosophy of life; from prose describing daily life to poems demonstrating profound implications. All these have elevated bamboo from everyday usage to a life carrier with spiritual affinity, sense of flesh existence and personality tendency. Bamboo, as a core image where oriental spirit surpasses the reality, is an evidence of having solved the long-existed potential question that all peoples need to be faced with—how to be kind to your land.
In celebrating the 90th anniversary of the China Academy of Art, The Crafts Museum, adhering to opinions mentioned above, planned an exhibition of “The Oriental Bamboo—Art of Living Exhibition on Asian Bamboo”. It composes three parts: The Grove of Bamboo Art, allowing visitors to appreciate traditional Asian bamboo craft in a bamboo grove; Feast of Bamboo Design, presenting skills and works of Asian craftsmen along a winding feast; House of Bamboo Life, exposing visitors in various bamboo-made opuscules to build a nature to live with.
Oriental bamboo, is both the embodiment of circling life and growth in reality, and the endless treasure of a continuous oriental spirit sublimation!
Xu Jiang
March 28, 2018
Feast of Bamboo Design 章俊杰(Zhang Junjie)
In the face of constant challenge of design innovation, designers are always thinking and self-reflecting: should design look backward or forward? Forward, it relies on new technologies in unknown areas to realize the great changes in living conditions. Backward, the cultural wisdom of the ebb and flow of history is the hidden source of value for design, allowing creativity to walk through the past and the future.
"Bamboo" is precisely the focus in this speculative thinking. Bamboo is a natural material and is processed in mass production line of commonly used daily necessities. The innate qualities of "bamboo" have also been widely accepted in human history: its beauty is totally natural and deep-reaching. The "bamboo" seems to have become a concept. It represents geographical features and a generally accepted cultural concept.
The interpretation of "bamboo" has always been the designer's proper expression. Sensitive designers understand bamboo from various dimensions: Some people subdivide it from the perspective of material and craft deconstruction to understand it precisely and explore the possible meaning of elements reconstruction; Some people see it from the perspective of design aesthetics to refine the aesthetic form and experience the emotional value of the users; Some people start from the perspective of daily function to analyze the material and technology, explore the practicality, and design life supplies; Some people proceed from the perspective of cultural semantics to research the feedback of cognition and understanding and establish a discourse system of formal meaning.
The public began to pay more and more attention to bamboo. It has become a kind of familiar memory and a tangible interface for a better life. Bamboo always expands people's stereotype of it. It has never been disappointing. Thousands of years of human companionship have made it unique for people. It is continuously nourished by human creativity, becoming various possibilities for future life development. It is not only repeatedly iterated on materials and technology, but also provides proper creation to humanistic value and spirit.
When we look at oriental design and the extraordinary nature of bamboo, we can not help but notice that the relationship between man and the surrounding is from the repeated games of tens of thousands of years. People explore, try and make mistakes, and speculate. The attitude that the design promotes in the face of the unknown must presumably be in the human consciousness and tend to be the correct collective perception. And the purpose of design is to prepare for the continuous pursuit of a better life. It must also be based on the pre-judgment formed by real knowledge and practical experience. It is inspiration and wisdom. When wisdom is sublimated in people's minds, the right creation can be formed. Innovation is never groundless. We must look back at the past and extend our perspective. The design of such a wide perspective is neither merely nostalgia nor a blind innovation. It is the wisdom of the East with its own concept of right and wrong. It is the design concept under the eastern philosophy of humanity.
We are grateful for bamboos, the strong green lives on this land. They embrace each other and open up a jungle for our mind. They give us infinite imagination, and the heart to understand such an enormous space!
二十一世纪的竹材是国际设计界的新热点,意大利的竹建筑师Mauricio Laverde称之为“有机钢铁 ”。作为一种纤维强度可媲美碳纤维的天然材质,它的快速生长特点让它成为一种新兴的绿色建造材料。在环保思想流行的今日成为设计界的热门研究材料。
竹子在东方文化中的特别地位,大多来自于其悠久的文化历史。陈寅恪与李约瑟将东亚文化称为竹文化。 竹在中国人的手中,一直是超越日常使用的材料。文人对竹的特殊情怀始于各种文化器具,记载历史的书简,音律的笛箫,毛笔,画纸,纸镇等文房四宝,及衣冠都来自竹,正如苏轼所说,文人不可一日无竹之器物。
一 、 由森佩尔所提出的,作为“建造的诗学”的建构,在竹的柔性可编织的材料特点中得以贯彻:可编织性统一了结构与装饰间的分裂。结构,构造,材料和建造过程,成为一种“连接内在愿望与客观世界之间的桥梁”。
二、 竹造模糊了建筑与自然之间的空间界面,自然可渗透到建筑中。竹材及其所构成的建筑物,有模糊性,可渗透,轻质,易逝,和具有生命力的自然特性。与自然之间的界面进一步消融,建筑得以再次成为自然的一部分。
三、 建造具有的社会性在竹造中体现尤为清晰,特别在乡村营造中,竹材和村民充沛的自建造能力还乡村以建造自主性。相较于工业化的现代建筑,竹营造更为频繁的更替性和季节性的聚集性,使之成为更具有在地性和社会性的营造材料。